Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Just a few final words from Walt Whitman to remind us that we have recovered some of what we lost, and that what we learn here will some day be "going somewhere" as well...

My science-friend, my noblest woman-friend,
(Now buried in an English grave--and this a memory-leaf for her dear sake,)
Ended our talk--
"The sum, concluding all we know of old or modern
learning, intuitions deep,
"Of all Geologies--Histories--of all Astronomy--of Evolution,
Metaphysics all,
"Is, that we all are onward, onward, speeding slowly, surely bettering,
"Life, life an endless march, an endless army, (no halt, but it is
duly over,)
"The world, the race, the soul--in space and time the universes,"
All bound as is befitting each--all surely going somewhere."


Blogger Michael said...

American pie is a classic that never seems to grow old and thanks for posting it I remember the words but you have seemed to clear up the mumble part I have had to hum yet can now sing lol thanks

May 2, 2007 at 10:42 PM


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